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Head & Neck Cancer - Million Dollar Match

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Imagine losing your ability to speak. Or having to be on a soft food diet indefinitely because it’s hard to swallow. Or feeling self-conscious because your face has changed dramatically post-surgery. Both head and neck cancer and its treatments can have profound side effects on patient quality of life, including disfigurement, and problems speaking and swallowing.

The upside is that as research improves, so too does survivorship and a better quality of life for patients with head and neck cancers. London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is world renowned for its head and neck cancer research program, which is leading to novel new programs and treatments that change lives.

LHSC's head and neck physicians have pledged to MATCH all donations to head and neck cancer research up to $500,000 - for a potential total of $1 million! If you would like your donation to make double the impact, please give today!

For more inspiration, watch Kathy's video below.






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